Monday, October 21, 2013

Couponing and Price Matching

I haven't posted about coupons/price matching in a little while, and today was a GREAT shop so I decided to post about it.

Total Value: $147.32
Total coupons: $34.84
Total Price Matching: $37.49
Total Money Out of Pocket: $ 74.99
Finish Quantum 90 ct - FREE ($19.57 FPC)
Finish Quantum 20 ct - 5.97 (with a MIR to get FREE)
Janes Chicken Strips - $2.88 *2 (regular 11.97; PM $4.88 each - $2.00 coupon)
Eggs - $1.44 *2 (2.68 each)
Sugar - $1.44 (2.98)
Gold Fish - $1.99 *2 (2.99 each)
Nestea/Fruitopia - $.59 *4 (price match to .97 each -$.50 coupon, *3)
Nutri Grain Bars - $1.99 *3 (2.98 each)
Old El Paso Kit - $1.00 ($3.00-$2.00 coupon)
Chapmans ice cream - $4.00 (pm $2.00 each)
English Cucs $0.67 *2 (1.29 each)
Cantaloup $1.67 (3.33 )
Green Peppers $1.74/kg (2.09 kg)
Peanut Butter $2.88 *2 (5.97 each)
Kraft Feta FREE (6.77 - FPC)
Black Diamond Cheese Slices - $2.99 * 2 (4.99 each)


  1. Oh my gosh! I need to know how to do that!!

    1. Most of my high value coupons come from writing to the companies directly; but $ off coupons can come in handy with sales too, or bringing the item down to a more reasonable price

  2. Omg, that's amazing! These are the types of savings/coupons that I need to feed my family!

  3. Love that Finish MIR! I took advantage of it too!

  4. My fiancee spends a lot of time collecting coupons and matching up store sale pricing. She gets a lot more groceries for us than we would normally be able to afford. It really helps us a huge amount. She also has just started writing to manufacturers to get more coupons that are high dollar or seem to never have coupons.

  5. I love couponing and price matching - need to save money where I can! It does really help with the budget! (Judy Cowan)


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